Home > Artworks > Luis Miguel APARISI

Photo of Luis Miguel APARISI Spain

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Luis Miguel Aparisi Lawrence was born in Valencia and Alicante lies in throughout his childhood, moving to Madrid, at the age of 16 years to pursue his studies at the School of Arts and Crafts S. Fernando completed his academic training at the College of Fine Arts, School of Technical Architects, Senior Class Naked in the Fine Arts. Also as a disciple of painters: Amadeo Demetrio Salgado and Roca. Promoter and director...

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28.74 x 36.22 in
51.18 x 35.04 in
18.11 x 14.96 in
18.11 x 21.65 in
25.59 x 51.18 in
27.56 x 51.18 in
39.37 x 51.18 in
39.37 x 51.18 in
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Luis Miguel Aparisi Lawrence was born in Valencia and Alicante lies in throughout his childhood, moving to Madrid, at the age of 16 years to pursue his studies at the School of Arts and Crafts S. Fernando completed his academic training at the College of Fine Arts, School of Technical Architects, Senior Class Naked in the Fine Arts. Also as a disciple of painters: Amadeo Demetrio Salgado and Roca. Promoter and director is appointed course of the Municipality of Santander children. Today is part of the Prado Museum Official Copyist. His work is extended to private collections and museums around the world.

Aparissi is a painter, born in Spain, Who lives and works in Madrid and Alicante. It's official copyist Prado Museum, and specialize in ancient classical painting. Comissioning of works painted by Titian, Rubens, Velázquez, Bassano, Petrini, Tiepolo, Lorenzo Caudio, Romney, or Goya Among Many Others. Copies of the pictures I painted in the museum Are Not Accurate to the original, apart from size, the composition always Incorporate elements of my own inspiration, making copies, more attractive and unique. A work of Aparissi always Give a touch of class and a good taste, apart from STIs as a work of value art.

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